A lot of WPZOOM themes have copyright notices as standard and you can easily edit the text from Customizer > Footer:
If such an option is not available in your WPZOOM Theme, we’ll show you how to edit the existing copyright notice in your site’s footer:
If you simply want to translate or change the words from existing copyright notice, we recommend you to follow instructions from this tutorial.
Before making any changes in your theme files, please create a Child Theme and duplicate the file you want to modify in it (footer.php).
Go to Appearance → Editor and select the footer.php file from the list on the right in your Child Theme.
Using your browser Find option (Ctrl/Cmd + F), search for the line containing Copyright text.
Once you’ve found the needed line, feel free to modify it as you need, but be careful if you’re not familiar with HTML/PHP as you can easily break your website.